I Want More Points

Extra Credit Blog

Horror Comes to Life

How would you feel if  horror book you loved, came to life? What would you do?

Well, in this case, everyone freaked out and tried leaving the room. Unfortunately, they were locked in and couldn’t even leave.

Author, Michelle Paver, of Thin Air wrote a horror novel about a ghost mountaineer.

Here’s a quote from the link:

“At an exclusive reading, Michelle brought the mountaineering ghost in her book to life, causing something of a panic… especially when the guests realized the door was locked.”

She had a reading with some fans, and virtually put the ghost that was in the book, in the room with everyone. Freaky but I’m sure it caught a lot of attention. Good advertising move on her part.


One comment on “Horror Comes to Life

  1. francescajo
    October 26, 2016

    Wow this is impressive because it is something I have never heard of bringing a book to life. It is cool how she brought a horror book to live and it is a good advertising as a well good PR here because it will make people want to purchase her books and more profit will be made for her.


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This entry was posted on October 26, 2016 by in Uncategorized.

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